In my younger years I travelled extensively all over the world – a bicycle and a backpack being my preferred way of travel.
Some of the places I visited were North, Central and South America, Oceania, Asia, Middle East, and many other places.
In early April 2021 at the age of 44, I started my first overland trip with a 4×4 Volkswagen T4, equipped with Westfalia camping interior.
I commenced a trip, I never ever wanted or intended to execute.
Being a passionate father of two kids, I spent almost every minute with my son in order to offer him an unforgettable childhood.
My daughter was 11 months old, when the mother of my children, decided to raise our kids on her own. I quickly realised that life in Germany will be pretty bad from now on and sooner or later I would be bankrupt back home due to the hight costs of living.
In the past years I have been working successfully as a photographer in my hometown, Landsberg in Bavaria, Germany, and it was clear that photography would be the focus of my future.
Being a full time photographer, I can call my present activity a profession, working sometimes from sunrise to sunset, 7 days per week for extended periods of time.
Covid 19 had a tremendous impact on my professional photography in Germany.
My new way of overland travel allows me, to carry as much gear as I want to, with the exception of my big drone.
Instead, I am travelling with a small foldable DJI Drone, having an acceptable image quality but is still far from what you can expect from a full-frame sensor, like the camera my big octocopter is equipped with.
Using my own vehicle, which is kind of equipped with camping interior, gives me a lot more flexibility than every other way of travelling I have experienced before.
I do not have a certain itinerary on this trip which is kind of a new experience as well.
Here on Current Project page I will post my travel news on a frequent basis.