In early April 2021 I left Germany and drove my van through Austria and Slovenia to Croatia. The last weeks before my departure I spent in Munich with my sister and sold many things which I thought would not be necessary to take with me. I sold my T6 California Eurovan and changed it to a VW T4 Calivornia Syncro, equipped with Westfalia interior. Due to personal troubles I had at home in Germany I started on a trip with an open end and no idea, where it will finally bring me.
Travelling by car for longer periods of time is called overland travel. For this kind of travel the cars are usually equipped with camping gear for a minimum amount of comfort. Compared to my previous kind of travelling, usually by bicycle, backpack or a car I bought overseas, the travel comfort this Eurovan offers, feels like luxury. 4×4 drive, refrigerator, gas stove, water tank with tap and sink and heaps of storage room.
A Volkswagen T4 Syncro is being parked in Istria, Croatia next to the Mediterranean Sea.

I have been working for the last 10 years as a professional photographer in Germany, was married, with two great kids, but when the mother of my kids wanted to raise our kids on her own, my future in Germany looked horrible so I decided to work as a travel photographer on the road in order to minimise expenses and hopefully earn money to be able to pay the child support.
In younger years, I used to travel by backpack, bicycle and a car I mostly bought abroad, as it is cheaper to buy a car for extended travel periods.
Besides the comfort, an overlander car offers way more flexibility than most other ways to travel. It also has more storage room for all my different travel gear.